Where are you going?

You have a vision for your future — your destiny. There’s a vision of success you want to achieve, even if it feels improbable today. If you're willing to accept the challenge you are capable of achieving it. But first, you must define your vision it and intentionally live into it.

Life always has a curve ball around the corner. Chasing your vision will require growth in every area of your life. Every new season of your life will require you to move out of your comfort zone. Each step will challenge you to become a better version of yourself. And at times, the only thing that keeps you moving forward is the ability to see your destination.

That's why you're here. As things change around you, you’ll need a gameplan that stays constant. Without a plan you’ll eventually reach a point that doesn’t look familiar, which may cause you to step out of alignment with your goals and aspirations. But in those times of uncertainty, the gameplan will become your blueprint, your north star.

It will teach you to reframe every situation to propel you toward your goals and dreams. A blueprint for life should feel similar to a pilot getting ready for a flight. A pilot won't move the plane until the destination is plugged into the system — they won’t takeoff and try to guess the right direction in mid-air.

But, that's what many of us do in our lives -- move fast and hope the vision becomes clear. But that’s where the Destiny Survey comes in…

Destiny Survey

<aside> 💡 Destiny des·ti·ny /ˈdestənē/ noun the hidden power believed to control what will happen in the future; fate


The Destiny Survey is a tool that will help you define your vision, giving you more control of your destiny.

Follow the instructions in the workshop below to complete your Destiny Survey:

Session #1: Orientation and Program Intro